Source code for test_lorem

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=protected-access, unused-argument
"""Test suite for `lorem` module."""

import itertools
import unittest
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar
from unittest import mock

import lorem

    from typing import Any, Callable, Iterator, Optional, Sequence

# Type variable.
_T = TypeVar('_T')

[docs]def islice(iterable: 'Iterator[_T]', stop: 'int') -> 'list[_T]': """Wrapper function for :func:`itertools.islice`.""" return list(itertools.islice(iterable, stop))
[docs]def shuffle(x: 'list[Any]', random: 'Optional[Callable[[], float]]' = None) -> 'None': """Mock :func:`random.shuffle`, but actually do nothing."""
[docs]def randint(a: 'int', b: 'int') -> 'int': """Mock :func:`random.randint`, but return the lower boundary.""" return a
[docs]def choice_first(seq: 'Sequence[_T]') -> '_T': """Mock :func:`random.choice`, but return the first element.""" return seq[0]
[docs]def choice_last(seq: 'Sequence[_T]') -> '_T': """Mock :func:`random.choice`, but return the last element.""" return seq[-1]
[docs]def pool(self: 'lorem.LoremGenerator', dupe: 'int' = 1) -> 'Iterator[str]': """Mock :func:`lorem.LoremGenerator._gen_pool`, but return a minimised pool.""" yield from itertools.cycle(['lorem', 'ipsum'])
[docs]class TestLorem(unittest.TestCase): """Unittest case for :mod:`lorem` module.""" # Mock :func:`random.shuffle` mock_shuffle = mock.patch('random.shuffle', shuffle) # Mock :func:`random.randint` mock_randint = mock.patch('random.randint', randint) # Mock :func:`random.choice` by choosing the first item. mock_choice_first = mock.patch('random.choice', choice_first) # Mock :func:`random.choice` by choosing the last item. mock_choice_last = mock.patch('random.choice', choice_last) # Mock :func:`lorem._gen_pool`. mock_pool = mock.patch('lorem.LoremGenerator._gen_pool', pool)
[docs] def test_lorem_init(self) -> 'None': """Test :func:`lorem.__init__`.""" iter_pool = ['lorem', 'ipsum'] with self.mock_shuffle: inst = lorem.LoremGenerator(pool=iter_pool, dupe=2) list_pool = islice(inst.pool, 10) self.assertEqual(list_pool, ['lorem', 'ipsum', 'lorem', 'ipsum', 'lorem', 'ipsum', 'lorem', 'ipsum', 'lorem', 'ipsum'])
[docs] def test_gen_word(self) -> 'None': """Test :func:`lorem.LoremGenerator.gen_word`.""" iter_pool = ['lorem', 'ipsum'] with self.mock_pool: inst = lorem.LoremGenerator(pool=iter_pool) word = inst.gen_word(func=None) self.assertEqual(word, 'lorem') word = inst.gen_word(func='capitalize') self.assertEqual(word, 'Ipsum') word = inst.gen_word(func=lambda s: s.upper()) self.assertEqual(word, 'LOREM') word = inst.gen_word(func='replace', args=('i', 'I')) self.assertEqual(word, 'Ipsum') word = inst.gen_word(func=lambda s, **kwargs: s, kwargs={'test': 'null'}) self.assertEqual(word, 'lorem')
[docs] def test_gen_sentence(self) -> 'None': """Test :func:`lorem.LoremGenerator.gen_sentence`.""" iter_pool = ['lorem', 'ipsum'] with self.mock_pool: inst = lorem.LoremGenerator(pool=iter_pool) with self.mock_randint: sentence = inst.gen_sentence(comma=(0, 2), word_range=(1, 2)) self.assertEqual(sentence, 'Lorem.') with self.mock_randint: with self.mock_choice_first: sentence = inst.gen_sentence(comma=(1, 2), word_range=(1, 2)) self.assertEqual(sentence, 'Ipsum, lorem.') with self.mock_randint: with self.mock_choice_last: sentence = inst.gen_sentence(comma=(1, 2), word_range=(2, 4)) self.assertEqual(sentence, 'Ipsum lorem.')
[docs] def test_gen_paragraph(self) -> 'None': """Test :func:`lorem.LoremGenerator.gen_paragraph`.""" iter_pool = ['lorem', 'ipsum'] with self.mock_pool: inst = lorem.LoremGenerator(pool=iter_pool) with self.mock_randint: paragraph = inst.gen_paragraph(comma=(0, 2), word_range=(1, 2), sentence_range=(2, 3)) self.assertEqual(paragraph, 'Lorem. Ipsum.') with self.mock_randint: with self.mock_choice_first: paragraph = inst.gen_paragraph(comma=(1, 2), word_range=(1, 2), sentence_range=(2, 3)) self.assertEqual(paragraph, 'Lorem, ipsum. Lorem, ipsum.') with self.mock_randint: with self.mock_choice_last: paragraph = inst.gen_paragraph(comma=(1, 2), word_range=(2, 4), sentence_range=(3, 4)) self.assertEqual(paragraph, 'Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum.')
[docs] def test_word(self) -> 'None': """Test :func:`lorem.word`.""" with self.mock_pool: iter_word = lorem.word(count=3) list_word = islice(iter_word, 3) self.assertEqual(list_word, ['lorem', 'ipsum', 'lorem']) with self.mock_pool: iter_word = lorem.word(count=3, func='capitalize') list_word = islice(iter_word, 3) self.assertEqual(list_word, ['Lorem', 'Ipsum', 'Lorem']) with self.mock_pool: iter_word = lorem.word(count=3, func=lambda s: s.upper()) list_word = islice(iter_word, 3) self.assertEqual(list_word, ['LOREM', 'IPSUM', 'LOREM'])
[docs] def test_sentence(self) -> 'None': """Test :func:`lorem.sentence`.""" with self.mock_pool: with self.mock_randint: iter_sentence = lorem.sentence() list_sentence = islice(iter_sentence, 1) self.assertEqual(list_sentence, ['Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.'])
[docs] def test_paragraph(self) -> 'None': """Test :func:`lorem.paragraph`.""" with self.mock_pool: with self.mock_randint: iter_paragraph = lorem.paragraph() list_paragraph = islice(iter_paragraph, 1) self.assertEqual(list_paragraph, ['Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. ' 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. ' 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.'])
[docs] def test_get_word(self) -> 'None': """Test :func:`lorem.get_word`.""" with self.mock_pool: with self.mock_randint: word = lorem.get_word(count=3) self.assertEqual(word, 'lorem ipsum lorem') with self.mock_pool: with self.mock_randint: word = lorem.get_word(count=(3, 5)) self.assertEqual(word, 'lorem ipsum lorem') with self.mock_pool: with self.mock_randint: word = lorem.get_word(count=3, func='capitalize') self.assertEqual(word, 'Lorem Ipsum Lorem') with self.mock_pool: with self.mock_randint: word = lorem.get_word(count=3, func=lambda s: s.upper()) self.assertEqual(word, 'LOREM IPSUM LOREM')
[docs] def test_get_sentence(self) -> 'None': """Test :func:`lorem.get_sentence`.""" with self.mock_pool: with self.mock_randint: sentence = lorem.get_sentence(count=1) self.assertEqual(sentence, 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.') with self.mock_pool: with self.mock_randint: sentence = lorem.get_sentence(count=(1, 3)) self.assertEqual(sentence, 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.')
[docs] def test_get_paragraph(self) -> 'None': """Test :func:`lorem.get_paragraph`.""" with self.mock_pool: with self.mock_randint: paragraph = lorem.get_paragraph(count=1) self.assertEqual(paragraph, 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. ' 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. ' 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.') with self.mock_pool: with self.mock_randint: paragraph = lorem.get_paragraph(count=(1, 3)) self.assertEqual(paragraph, 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. ' 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. ' 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.')
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()